It Was A Success!
Last Saturday, March 19th, I attended my first event as a vendor, and it was a success! I committed to this event in January, not knowing the amount of work and preparation this would require.
The Preparation
I had nothing ready, and I did not want to spent too much on tent, equipment, tables and accessories. This was my first event, and I wanted to make sure it was something I would enjoy before doing a big investment. I gathered what I could from family and friends, such as tent and table. I had the idea to create a stand for the painting with three old doors I got for free at a local home store. I purchased the bare minimum, and focused on making my booth beautiful but minimalistic.
I saved on everything, except for some quality help. I did "hire" my little brother to help me set everything up. I am only 5'2" and there is not much I can do about moving large and heavy objects. Here's the final product, showcasing myself and my wonderful assistant:
Getting Out of My Comfort Zone
The preparation and setting everything up was just part of it. Once my booth was ready, people starting to walk by. This was my first time standing next to my art and selling my prints and originals in person. Anyone that knows me would tell you I was the shyest little girl on earth. I used to be so scared and insecure about talking to people, and that is why I always preferred communicating through art. Moving to the US has helped me so much. I am so much more outgoing now, but I am still an introvert.
However, talking about my art excites me. During these last couple of years I got so much more confident about myself and my work. I got surprised at myself for going up to people and making them stop by to look at my work. It was one of the first times in my life in which I was the one starting the conversation.
The Nude Collection and People's Reaction
I am aware that nudity can be a "different" subject to showcase at a family friendly event. I spoke about it to the Historic Roser Park team before signing up for the event. They had a meeting, and then confirmed that my nude collection was accepted. Before this event, I have been selling my nude originals, prints and commissions for the last two years. All my collectors have always been women. At this event, most of the people interested in my work were women.
I perceived that men were more intimidated, and this is when I understood that my purpose behind my pieces worked. The nude collection is meant for women to take their power back. I am a female artist, painting another female. She is depicted in a strong stance, proud and confident. The classical female nudes made in the 1800s were objectifying the woman, who was often submissive to the man.
I had wonderful conversation with women who connected to my work. It made me so happy to have support from other women of different age groups. I was able to connect on a deeper lever, and telling my own story through my work has been priceless.